Queensland Team Coaches, Managers and Selectors 2024

Selection Policies and Downloads

Nominations for Coaches, Managers and Selectors for Queensland teams in 2024 open on December 1 2023 and close on January 31 2024.

HQMMC reserves the right to make an appointment to a position prior to the closing date if it deems a candiate to be a suitable applicant. 

To be considered  for a vacant position please email secretary.mensmasters@hockeyqld.com.au

 Hockey Queensland Men's Masters Team Officials 2024    
  Coach Manager Assistant Coach Selectors*
34/1 Joel Cuming Vacant  

Adam Barry, Joel Cuming, Gary Porteus

40/1 Gary Porteous Vacant    Joel Cuming*, Gary Porteus, Adam BArry
40/2 Scott Macauley  Vacant    
45/1 Craig WIlliams Brad Galgon   Craig Williams, Brett Rollason*, Brad Mathers
45/2 Maroon Isaac Baxter Gary Baxter   Player Coaches only nominated announcement on hold until teams selected  
50/1 MIchael Jeffries Steve Mallet   Michael Jeffries, Brett Rollason, Greg Pember, Chris Leeder
50/2 Maroon Chris Leeder Liz Leeder    
50/2 Gold


Elizabeth Grpske    
55/1 MIchael O'Brien Kathy Baker   Michael O'Brien, Sarah Edwards, David Wilson, Ian Knights
55/2 Maroon Sarah Edwards Glenda Edwards    
60/1 Chris Pittaway Vacant   George Goodsell, Michael O'Brien, Chris Pittaway
60/2 Simon Carrie Vacant   Player Coaches only nominated announcement on hold until teams selected  
65/1 Jeff Rendell

Mike Williams

  Jeff Rendell, Wayne Harris, Dannie Camilleri, Gil Strayer
65/2 MIchael Quinn Vacant    
70 Greg RIchards Stephen Blakely   Greg RIchards*, Bill Osborn, Malcom Ruddell
75 Ray Bolton Janice Francis   Ray Bolton*, Vacant, Vacant
* Chair of Selectors (Ian Warren) is ex-oficio member of all Selection Panels

* Coach of Teams is an ex-officio member of their age group selection panel 

Selectors marked with * are potential player selectors. Approrpiate governannce arrangements wil be put in place to ensure taht players do not select for positions in which they are nominated.   


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