Over 54 Queensland Team Nominations -Individual


Nominations Close on 18 April 2025
Queensland Hockey Men's Masters State Team

Event information

Registration for this event closes at Fri 18 Apr 2025 23:59.

Nominations can only be received from full financial members of Hockey Queensland and registered members of Hockey Queensland Mens Masters. Click here and follow the instructions to register or renew and then login to nominate. If you have already paid your Hockey Queensland fee you wont be charged to join Hockey Queensland Men's Masters. 

Nominate here if you would like to be considered to play for Queensland at the National Championships.

34, 39, 44, 49, 54 and 59 Queensland teams will be selected at the State Championships in Tweed Headss from Friday 2 May  to Monday 5 May 2025. 

If you cannot attend the selection event (even if you are playing for Australia at the Trans Tasman) for your age group please request an exemption and ensure you provide sufficient information so an informed decision can be made. 

Your exemption request will be considered by the HQMMC and you will be advised of the outcome.

Selectors may consider any approved exemption at their discretion. An approved exemption does NOT guarantee your selection in any Queensland Team. 

Age qualification date is 31 December in the year of the National Championships. eg To qualify for the 34's team you must turn 34 on or before 31 December 2025. The calculation is the same for all age groups. 

NOTE: If you are registered in another State you will need to obtain a clearance from your State Masters Association PRIOR to the Queensland Selection Event. Any player from another State will not be considered for Queensland selection without a clearance PRIOR to the selection event. You must also register with HQMM and pay the HQ registration fee. 


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